BPS Telephone Company is sponsoring an educational tour of the Nation's capital for an area student, May 30- June 3, 2015. This is the eighteenth year BPS Telephone Company has sponsored a student to Washington, D. C. BPS Telephone Company rotates between its schools in making a selection. This is the sixth time a student from South Pemiscot has been chosen. For year 2015, Kattie Davis has been selected to represent BPS Telephone Company at the National Youth Tour. While in Washington Kattie will get an inside look at the telecommunications industry, learn about the legislative and governmental processes, visit famous historical sites including the Smithsonian Institution, the U. S. Capitol, Mount Vernon and Arlington National Cemetery. She will be joined by more than 100 high school juniors from across rural America.
Today's youth are the future of telecommunications in rural America and we hope that by educating them about the industry, we will not only broaden their horizons, but strengthen our communities," said Lisa Winberry, Manager of BPS Telephone Co. We are proud to have a role in educating our local youth and contributing to the future economic health of our communities."
The trip is hosted by the Foundation for Rural Service of which BPS Telephone Company supports and is a member.
The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS), in cooperation with NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association is committed to educational achievement in rural communities, recognizing that tomorrow's economic and civic development depends on the involvement and success of today's students. |